From now until midnight on June 30, 2021, get free shipping on everything you buy from Bath Geek. Just use the coupon code FREESHIPJUNE to get everything to you for FREE!
Welcome Sezzle!
We are now part of the Sezzle network, and we now accept Sezzle. We hope this change brings you value!
Tealight Samples
If you like candles, please leave me a note in your next order and I will send you a set of tealight samples (free) so you can smell the candles that I’ve just released on Painted Lantern Candles!
New: Mask Sprays
With the pandemic still going on, masks are part of our daily lives now. I got tired of breathing my own spit and decided to make something to help freshen things up, so I created Bath Geek’s Scented Mask Sprays. Carry one around with you and spray on the inside of your mask to freshen it up a little whenever you feel like it. Bonus: these sprays contain 80% alcohol! (Don’t drink them, though. They won’t taste good. Trust me.)
Happy Independence Day!

In honor of Independence Day, I’ve put some pre-launch candles on the shop at a discount. They ship just like regular cold-pack items. Happy Independence Day!
Want Coffee Soap?

I have gotten a couple of inquiries about coffee scrub soap. Is this something people want? Please let me know if you would like me to start making coffee scrub soap with coffee grounds!
Liquid Soap IN STOCK!
Yes, they’re FINALLY ready! Foaming liquid soap has been restocked. Thank you for your patience: please use PATIENCE as a code to get 10% off liquid soap!
Fragrance Requests?
Yes, my foaming liquid soap was out of stock… but the newest batch is almost ready! Which of my fragrances do you most want in liquid soap right now?
‘Tis the Season (for Colds/Flu)
If you live in a temperate climate (like myself, in Denver CO), you are probably quite familiar with the cold/flu season and how miserable it can be in the winter. If you have kids, then despite your best efforts, they are going to bring something home, and the entire family is going to get sick.
I’ve been going through a few changes in my life lately, and at the moment I live with a partner who has a young child with a predilection for coughing and sneezing with her cute little mouth wide open in your face. I have had a cold/flu/something for close to 6 weeks, and I am on my second course of antibiotics. I’ve had raw skin under my nose from all the tissues, Costco has gotten rich off my Kleenex purchases, and I even switched to blowing my nose at the sink and washing with water instead to try and be a little gentler on my poor raw skin, but when you are blowing your nose almost every minute, even that’s going to take its toll.
I’m writing this blog post, because I have been trying to protect my skin and have been having problems. Lotion burns. Aloe vera burns. Even medicated lotions burn. But what didn’t burn was my lotion stick. I should have just grabbed that in the first place instead of trying everything else!
I’ve been rubbing my lotion stick on my face and it has soothed and moisturized the raw skin without any burning sensation. I’ve also been using it on the backs of my hands and even rubbing it all over my hands (all the handwashing dries them out). It helps a ton. Now it doesn’t hurt any more when I have to blow my nose.
Another awesome thing is how well the lotion stick has helped with dry cuticles. My partner keeps lotion all through his apartment because he has dry cuticles and he’s constantly massaging lotion into his fingers. I finally gave him a lotion stick and used some on him lately. He’s a believer now and he’s been using that instead of lotion because it moisturizes much more effectively and it lasts longer than lotion.
So if you are dealing with raw skin and trying to moisturize, I strongly recommend using my Cocoa and Shea Lotion Stick. You can rub it directly on your skin, or use your fingers to transfer the oils from the stick to your lips, skin under/around your nose, or wherever else it’s needed.

Cocoa & Shea Lotion Stick
Our skin is our biggest organ, and regular moisturizing will help to keep it supple and smooth. Bath Geek’s lotion sticks are in a convenient 2.2 oz twist-up tube for easy, no-mess application. Made with only skin-loving butters and oils, this lotion stick is super convenient to carry around and apply. Keep a lotion stick around with you for awesome skin moisture anytime and anywhere!
- Cocoa butter has a ton of skin-loving fatty acids and polyphenols, smells fantastic, is soothing and emollient (adds a layer of hydration), incredibly hydrating, and is an essential must-have during the winter months.
- Shea butter is nourishing, soothing, moisturizing, and lubricating. It makes your skin look and feel younger too!
- Avocado oil boosts the moisturizing power of this lotion stick and soothes your skin as it helps the shea butter and cocoa butter spread out.
- Last but not least, grapeseed oil is skin-balancing, super rich in beta-carotene and vitamins D, C, and E, and has a great concentration of skin-loving fatty acids. It’s also non-comodogenic (doesn’t clog pores), locks in the moisture, keeps your skin smooth and soft, and is absorbed into your skin super fast.
Bath Geek Candles are Coming
By popular demand, I will be adding two lines of candles to the Bath Geek range!
Bath Geek candles will be well-scented and very lightly colored, and they will come in lovely jars with metal lids on them. The usual candle warnings apply–never leave unattended, etc. Some of my fragrances will make it into these candles and I hope you will enjoy them.
I am also introducing a specialty line of Bath Geek Body Art candles! Meant for wax play, these candles will be:
- unscented (though I am open to adding fragrance by special request/special order)
- brightly colored (some will be UV-reactive/flourescent!)
- very low temperature (I am aiming for as close to 120F or less if possible)
- Available both in all-soy and soy-free versions (no more worrying about playing with soy wax if you are allergic to soy!)
- they will come both in wicked and wickless versions!
I look forward to posting these candles for sale. Which of my current fragrances do you most want to see in a candle? What are your favorite candle colors?
Upcoming Price Changes
There comes a point in time when the cost of ingredients and the general cost of doing business increases and you have to raise prices or start losing money. I’ve been trying to keep prices low, but unfortunately, in 2019 I will be increasing some of my prices to keep up with inflation.
I know this isn’t great news! So for you, dear readers, here is a coupon to soften the blow. Use “BYE2018” from now until January 31, 2019 to take 10% off all your purchases until then. (PS: Now is a good time to stock up before the price increase!)
How to Use the Allergen Filter to Shop on Bath Geek
Dear Bath Geek customers,
I hope that you have noticed the shiny allergen filter that is labelled “Filter by Allergens”! If you haven’t yet, it is on the left side of the screen just under the Facebook and Twitter login links in the shop. Here are a couple of hopefully-helpful usage notes from other customers who have used this feature:
- The allergen filter is not a persistent/”sticky” setting, unfortunately. What this means is, if you leave a shop/category page to look at product details, when you go back to the previous page or click on a new category/link, you will need to turn on the filter again.
- To make it easier to see what has been applied, the active filters will be listed at the top of the filter in bold. To turn off a filter, just uncheck the box!
- If you would like to make sure the filter stays “on”, when you want to go and look at a product’s details, instead of the usual left-click, use the right-click and then choose either “open in new tab” or “open in new window”.
- Your filtered shop view will stay the way it was.
- A new tab or window will open with the details of the product you want to look at.
- When you are done looking at that page, just close the tab or window of the product. You can then go back to your filtered shop view and keep shopping!
I am researching plugins in order to find a way to make this setting persistent. In the meantime, I thank you for your patience and understanding. Please use the “notes” section in your order to ask me to review your order if you are not quite sure that you have it working. Just tell me what allergens you need to avoid, and I will e-mail you ASAP to let you know whether or not you have ordered something you can’t use by mistake!
New Products!
Just in time for the holiday season:
- Peppermint bath bombs are back in stock!
- Jumpin’ Juniper was incredibly popular and even though it was originally a limited edition, many people asked for it to return. It’s now back!
- Ocean Breeze is now a much more shipping-friendly round bath bomb instead of the square ones!
- Three new bubble bath fragrances:
- Green Tea & White Pear
- Peaches & Cream (limited edition for 2018)
- Sugar Mint (a Bath Geek original fragrance mix!)
Remember that Bath Geek does free gift-wrapping and mails across the USA for a flat rate. Let me take some of your holiday work off your hands and get your Christmas presents all wrapped and ready for you (all you’ll need is to stick a name tag on them!)
Quick Update
Hi folks! It’s been a very long time since my last update. I’ve re-scheduled some fairs (my October and November weekends are going to be crazy but please do come by and say hello if you are going to be near me!) and I’ve been very busy at my other job. I just wanted to post a quick note to say that I am still alive, and a quick reminder that summer shipping charges (especially cold pack charges) will be going away starting Halloween (October 31).
For those of you who aren’t waiting for summer shipping to end, let me reassure you that this summer, hot as it was, I shipped a double-digit number of packages containing lotions etc wrapped in insulated bags with ice packs included, and they all survived the summer heat! (At least, no one has written to let me know their lotion didn’t survive shipping…)
A couple of questions I have fielded recently:
Q: You’re out of travel soap! Will there be any more?
A: Yes, there will! ^_^ I am making some now and it will take a little while but I will have them back in stock ASAP.
Q: What’s the status of the coconut-free shampoo?
A: I was unable to source the ingredients I needed for a test (and frankly have just been kept busy flying around for my other job). That said, I have not forgotten! It is an ongoing project.
Q: Thank you for the free shower gloves! Where can I get more?
A: I’ve been including a gift in the shipping box for larger orders, and yes, I do sell the shower gloves if you are looking for more of them! I keep one pair in my shower and one pair in my travel bag right next to my lotion.
New Size for Coconut-free Lotions
Coconut-free lotions now come in a travel size as well as the regular large size, so you can bring your lotion with you while traveling. I know for certain that the lotions make it through TSA in airline check-in bags safely, because I have one of these bottles in my travel toiletries bag and have been on and off planes twice a week for the last few months.
Mother’s Day Sale
Mother’s Day is fast approaching! Have you gotten your mother something yet? To help you out, Bath Geek LLC is having a 18% sale from now until Mother’s Day (May 13). Get your mother something she’ll love! Use the code MOTHER2018 to save 18% of all your purchases (excluding gift cards).
Physical Credit Card Payment Safety
We’ve all heard about credit card skimmers that read the magnetic stripes on our credit cards. Now we have chip cards, so we’re safe, right? Not so fast–apparently now scammers have “shimmers” that read your card and then use that information to make a fake magstripe card. This article says that Apple Pay and other such tap-to-pay methods are actually the most secure way of paying by credit card in person.
I want to let you know that if you are paying online, Bath Geek supports Apple Pay! (Yes, even if you are shopping on your phone!) And if you see me at my booth at various craft fairs, I also take tap-to-pay in person. I have yet to see a customer use the tap-to-pay option, so please make my day and use it so I can squee at the tech coolness!
Multiple Allergen Filters
I’ve received a lot of e-mails asking for specific product recommendations, and a lot of these questions have to do with a combination of allergies, such as what products to use (or avoid) if you’re allergic to nuts and corn. It’s clear to me that you need a way to search for products that fit ALL of your needs!
Because of this, I’ve added an option to search for a combination of ingredients and product type choices. For example, if you want to find a nut-free bath bomb that doesn’t have any coconut, cocoa butter, or sweet almond oil, just choose “bath bomb” in product type, and then check the boxes for “coconut-free”, “cocoa-free”, and “nut-free”.
I hope this helps in your search for better bath products. As always, please feel free to contact me if you have more questions!
Survey Says
I asked, and you answered! <3 Survey responses are here if you would like to see them with up-to-the-minute results. Otherwise, let me share what I’ve learned so far:
I had no idea whipped body butter was this popular! I hadn’t planned on introducing it and had just included it in the survey on a whim, but clearly I am missing out on something vital. I will definitely be working on a great allergy-sensitive formulation post-haste.
And yes, those bath bomb and bubble bath combinations are coming right up! (After this class I’m taking, which is eating up all of my free time…)