I asked, and you answered! <3 Survey responses are here if you would like to see them with up-to-the-minute results. Otherwise, let me share what I’ve learned so far:

I had no idea whipped body butter was this popular! I hadn’t planned on introducing it and had just included it in the survey on a whim, but clearly I am missing out on something vital. I will definitely be working on a great allergy-sensitive formulation post-haste.
And yes, those bath bomb and bubble bath combinations are coming right up! (After this class I’m taking, which is eating up all of my free time…)

I was surprised by how many people wanted fragrance-free products, but in hindsight, it makes perfect sense. After all, if you want to make sure there are no allergens, everything unnecessary needs to go, and while fragrances are nice-to-have, they are not actually necessary!
So. I will be phasing out most of my fragrances as I sell out of my stock of fragrance oils. I will be keeping a few very popular scents for those of you who do like the fragrances. And most importantly, I will make sure that everything I make has a fragrance-free version. So yes, fragrance-free bath bombs and bubble baths are on the way!
Thank you very much to those of you who responded to the survey. It’s still open and you can still let me know what you need, so follow this link if you would like to register your voice and be heard!