How to Use the Allergen Filter to Shop on Bath Geek

Dear Bath Geek customers,

I hope that you have noticed the shiny allergen filter that is labelled “Filter by Allergens”! If you haven’t yet, it is on the left side of the screen just under the Facebook and Twitter login links in the shop.  Here are a couple of hopefully-helpful usage notes from other customers who have used this feature:

  1. The allergen filter is not a persistent/”sticky” setting, unfortunately. What this means is, if you leave a shop/category page to look at product details, when you go back to the previous page or click on a new category/link, you will need to turn on the filter again.
  2. To make it easier to see what has been applied, the active filters will be listed at the top of the filter in bold. To turn off a filter, just uncheck the box!
  3. If you would like to make sure the filter stays “on”, when you want to go and look at a product’s details, instead of the usual left-click, use the right-click and then choose either “open in new tab” or “open in new window”.
    • Your filtered shop view will stay the way it was.
    • A new tab or window will open with the details of the product you want to look at.
    • When you are done looking at that page, just close the tab or window of the product.  You can then go back to your filtered shop view and keep shopping!

I am researching plugins in order to find a way to make this setting persistent. In the meantime, I thank you for your patience and understanding.  Please use the “notes” section in your order to ask me to review your order if you are not quite sure that you have it working.  Just tell me what allergens you need to avoid, and I will e-mail you ASAP to let you know whether or not you have ordered something you can’t use by mistake!

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